May 2020 Centennial News article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

In Numbers 21 God provided a cure for a plague. Serpents were biting and killing the people. God told Moses to make a serpent on a standard and to raise it up for the people to see. If they were bitten, they could look at the bronze serpent, and they would be healed. I have always thought this story was strange. God’s second commandment was not to make any graven images, and yet here He was instructing Moses to make a bronze serpent. It is not until Jesus talks with Nicodemus in John 3 that we understand how the bronze serpent foreshadows His crucifixion.

As with the Israelites, one truth is clear for us, as well: God provides the cure. While we should all be praying for and cheering on scientists and medical professionals, we must also cry out to God for the cure to disease, whatever form it takes. My prayer is this grand disruption in our lives causes us to focus more on God and our need for Him. He alone holds our lives and the lives of those we love. May our trust in Him grow stronger even as we look toward getting back to a new normal.

Speaking of the new normal, many of our churches plan to gather again soon for worship. We will all need to make decisions based on the leading of the Lord and the wisdom He gives. I trust that these decisions are not being made lightly. Whether your church is resuming corporate gatherings or waiting, understand that many are still being cautious and will stay away for a while. Continue to minister to them through online services and pastoral contacts. The move back to normal will be gradual and will probably take more time that we expect. Be patient with each other.

Like you, I would never have asked for this challenge, but I believe we can always learn from whatever experiences we have. Here are a few things I have learned:

·         Our pastors are extremely resourceful. Not only are they preparing sermons and continuing to minister in difficult times, but now they are navigating the digital world. If you have not told your pastor how much you appreciate him lately, please do so. This also includes all the wonderful staff members who keep things going.

·         A time of rest was overdue. Many of us were burning the candle at both ends before circumstances forced us to take a break. The Bible is clear that we need to balance work with rest, and we generally do a poor job of this. Hopefully, you have taken advantage of the opportunity to rest some.

·         Not everything we do as a church is necessary. Not gathering in a building has forced us to prioritize what matters most when it comes to ministry. We can all agree that the preaching of the Word has been the focus lately. Perhaps when we can gather again, we will be more mindful of how we spend our time and resources.

·         God’s people yearn to be together. I have missed worshipping together. I have missed sitting down with a cup of coffee across the table from a group of pastors. We were built for community, and it is a good sign of health that we desire to be together again.

·         There is more than one way to “do church”. Your approaches to maintaining connection and ministering to one another have been as diverse as the number of churches. It is refreshing to see that we do not have to be the same to accomplish the same goals.

·         Church is so much more than a building. While we are thankful for the resources God gives us to do ministry, the real church is the people. I knew this before the pandemic, and so did you. But it has been good to see how this truth has become more pronounced during this time.

·         Prayer is often an untapped source of power and peace. Crisis drives us to our knees. This should not be the case, but it is. My hope is that our prayer lives will never be the same after this.

Know that I have been praying for your church and your pastors. This is not just something we are getting through together. Our world has changed forever, and we will have opportunities and challenges because of it. I am thankful for each of you. I am also thankful that I get to quarantine with the most capable and awesome wife a man could ask for. Your Associational Ministry Assistant stressed over putting together a newsletter when nearly everything has been cancelled or postponed. It may be a little different that usual, but I think she did a great job, as always!

April 2020 CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

Every mission trip I have participated in shared one simple rule: be flexible. Ministry can be a roller-coaster of emotions and activities. So often the real work happens when the unexpected occurs. We are all experiencing an unprecedented time of change and adaptation. May we be found faithful even as our methods and routines change.

By now you have heard that FOCUS 2020 has been moved to September 20, 2020. We have also made the decision to make this a one-day event, which is something we talked about even before rescheduling it. More details will come out as we get closer. We hope to have many of the same missionaries with us, and they will still be available to speak in every church on that Sunday morning. Take this time to pray for the work that is still going on throughout the world, our nation, and this state to reach the lost with the Gospel.

It was a joy to be able to watch so many of your services through social media and other means. Some of us are more comfortable with technology than others, but I believe more people will hear the Gospel as a result of your efforts. I am also hearing how churches are pulling together to care for one another. God always has a plan. Perhaps this time will help us focus on what truly matters. We are still the church, even when we cannot meet for corporate worship. Just like you, I am anticipating the day when we can get back to normal, but let’s not waste the lessons we are learning through this.

You will also notice that the mission trip we had planned to Pennsylvania has been postponed. Pray for Travis and Grace Ross and the whole Riverbend family. With their proximity to New York, there is a great deal of concern. Once we have clear direction, we will reschedule this trip.

Regarding other events and ministries of our association, our website should have the most up-to-date information. We have added a virtual component to many of our meeting and will probably continue to do so in order to use our time and technology efficiently. If you have any questions about an associational event, please feel free to contact the CBA office. Marni and I are here to help.

March CBA News article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

Every single day I am reminded that this world is so much bigger than my little corner of it. We are connected by our phones and the internet in ways we were not even a few years ago. And while our experiences here in middle Georgia may be very different than those of brothers and sisters around the globe, the need for the proclamation of the Gospel remains the same.

The closer we get to FOCUS 2020 the more excited I get to be able to engage with our missionaries who are serving all over this world of ours. Their methods and responsibilities vary, but their message is the same: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention, we get to share in this work. So, as your church gives through the CP, the missionaries of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, the North American Mission Board, and the International Mission Board are equipped to go farther and do more.

FOCUS 2020 will be held April 25-26. Join us on Saturday afternoon beginning at 3:00 PM at Mountain View Baptist Church for a family-friendly, interactive time to Meet Your Missionaries. Georgia Baptist Disaster Relief will showcase one of their new food trucks by providing a meal for each of us. Children can engage missionaries with a Scavenger Hunt. Students and adults can explore ways to participate in missions. Who knows how God might move you to be involved in His work around the world?

Then on Sunday, our missionaries will be speaking in our Centennial churches. We are in the process of scheduling all of that now and will have a detailed list as we get closer to the event. If you would like to host a missionary in your home, let us know. We also want to be a blessing to every missionary who is coming, so if your church would like to contribute toward the honorariums, please send that to CBA and be sure to designate it for that purpose.

Centennial exists to network churches to make disciples. FOCUS 2020 is one tool available to your church to encourage a multi-tiered mission mindset. We are also looking forward to other mission efforts including the Dental Clinic, the Pennsylvania Mission Trip, and the VBS equipping event. If there is anything else we can do to support the work you are doing, let us know. We get to do this together!

January CBA News

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

2020 is here and the return of our Lord is just that much closer! Until He appears, my hope is that you will eagerly anticipate that day while also continuing the work He has prepared for you in the meantime. Maybe this year will be a time for you and your church family to try something new. Or maybe it will be a time to return to some of the basics which have been neglected. Regardless of where you are, or where you are going, know that you are not alone. We serve together as one Church in many locations.

Take note of the many opportunities coming soon to our area. VBS Directors and Pastors are encouraged to attend the VBS Jumpstart event that FBC Barnesville will host for the GBMB on January 21. The State Evangelism Conference, REACH, will once again be held in Warner Robins, so we won’t have too far to travel for that event. The Centennial Monthly Ministers Meeting is now the Ministers Connection and will be held in various locations every other month. This will also allow us to have guest speakers each time. Brad Marchman, GBMB Evangelism Consultant, will be our guest on January 13th.

Your CBA Mission Team has been working hard to plan FOCUS 2020. This event will bring many of the missionaries that you already support through Cooperative Program to our area. We will host 35-40 missionaries serving through our International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, and Georgia Baptist Mission Board. The schedule for all activities will be made available soon, but here are some things you can do now to prepare:

1.       Put FOCUS 2020 (April 25-26) on your church and personal calendars and begin talking about it.

2.       Consider hosting a missionary in your home. Eternal connections will be made.

3.       Contact the CBA office to request a missionary speaker for your church. They will be available for Sunday School, AM & PM services, and Sunday lunch.

4.       Encourage mission groups, children’s classes, small groups, and anyone else in your church to attend. Saturday’s events will all be family focused and interactive.

5.       Pray for our missionaries as they prepare to visit with us. The work they are doing does not stop just because they take the time to come see us. We want to be a blessing to them in as many ways as possible.

Only God knows what He will do through us this year. My prayer is that He calls out missionaries, pastors, musicians, teachers, servants, counselors, greeters, singers, worshippers, cooks, woodworkers, hunters, athletes, men, women, students, children from all walks of life to go and make disciples this year. Join me in prayer and in this work!

December CBA News

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

“She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”

The news of the Messiah’s expected birth came as a surprise to Joseph and Mary. God interrupted their lives in the most wonderful, yet dramatically life-changing way. This righteous man and woman were entrusted with the infant Christ. No one else had ever been given such a responsibility or privilege. God became flesh and dwelt among them – in their home, eating at their table, sleeping in their house, growing into a man before their eyes.

I wonder what kind of life they had planned out for themselves before the angel came to each of them with the news of Jesus’ birth and the part they would play. It probably did not include the unforgiving and misunderstanding people who assumed they had conceived a child together before marriage. I doubt it included fleeing to Egypt or being visited by Magi. Their plans certainly did not include Mary having to watch her son die on a Roman cross. The burden of being Jesus’ parents could not have been light.

However, the life they were given in exchange for the life they expected was so much more. They experienced first-hand being with Jesus day after day. They caught glimpses of heaven as he spoke and grew and interacted with those around him. Their relationship with Jesus was personal and intimate, in a way few understand. At the end of their lives, I am sure they would not have changed a thing.

How many times has God put something unexpected in your path and your first reaction was to reject it? Maybe it didn’t fit into your plan or seemed too difficult to deal with. Maybe you didn’t feel up to the challenge or equipped to reach the goal. Mary and Joseph were simple, faithful followers of God. They were not all that different than many of us. They sought to please our Father by obeying him in all things. None of that would have been possible without the strength and grace given to them by God. He was the one who empowered them and guided them. In the same way, he gives us grace and strength to achieve so much more than we would have planned for ourselves.

My prayer for you this Christmas season is that God would stretch your faith and that you will be obedient to whatever he wants for you. I pray that your relationship with Jesus will become even more personal and intimate this year. I pray that you find all the strength and grace you need in him. Whatever unexpected challenge you face, look to Jesus and face it with the confidence of a child of God.

Merry Christmas to you and to all those you love!

November CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

What an incredible Fall Meeting! If you were able to attend, you know how special this night was. If you were unable to be there, you missed seeing a packed house at The Rock Church, experiencing great fellowship and worship, and exploring the new Outreach Trailer, now dubbed “The Traveler.” Jeff Gongwer, one of our newest GBMB consultants, commented that he had been to several associational meetings recently, but we were the only ones with a bounce house. We definitely like to do everything with excellence here at the Centennial Association. By the way, it is not too early to request the Traveler for your spring outreach events or Vacation Bible School.

In addition to the annual meeting of the Georgia Baptist Convention, November will include two major events for the Centennial Association. You can read more about each of these in the pages of this newsletter, but I just wanted to mention them here.

The Quarterly Fellowship Lunch in November will be a One Day Senior Adult Revival. Maynard is hosting this event on Thursday, November 14 at noon. We will eat first and then have a time of worship and preaching. Dr. Robert White will preach the Word that day. He is a dear friend and a big supporter of the work we do here in the CBA. Bring your friends and get ready to experience a time of refreshing together.

SERVE is a one-day workshop for church leaders. The focus will be on deacon ministry, so we ask that you plan to bring your entire church staff, your deacons, and their spouses. Larry and Cynthia Thompson will lead sessions to enhance the work that you are already doing. I know that Saturday during hunting season and football season may be a difficult time to get your deacons and staff to commit, but I assure you that this will have a lasting impact on your church. Please let us know soon how many we can expect from your church.

As always, let me know how I can support the work of your church. God has given us the privilege of working together to reach this area of Georgia. Let us continue to press on, loving people, sharing the Good News, and making disciples.

October CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

The teacher begins Ecclesiastes 3, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” We all experience seasons in our lives. Perhaps you are going through a season of joy, where God is pouring out His favor in a way that others notice God’s goodness. Or maybe you are in a season of drought, where no matter what you do, it seems fruitless. Some of us are going through a season of change. Marni and I are experiencing some of that. Many of the changes are beyond our control, things that affect our kids’ jobs or schools or our parents’ health. Isn’t it reassuring to know that whatever we are going through God is our firm foundation? He is constant and sure no matter what. I was reminded Sunday morning that God has promised us a blessed future with Him, and God cannot lie. My prayer for you today is that you will fix your hope on our constant God.

The Annual Fall Meeting will be held October 22 at The Rock Church! Come see and hear what God has been doing through this replant. We will also hear from the various ministries of the Centennial Association. The Annual Fall meeting is a great way for your church to connect with existing ministries and to network with other churches to see how you can best work together. Come early to drop off your Christmas Backpacks and have a Chick-fil-A meal with us. Then stay for the business meeting and time of worship where Pastor Eddie Johnson, Macedonia Baptist Church, will be bringing a message from God’s Word.

Many of our churches are also in a time of transition as they bring on new deacons. How we serve the people God has given us matters. The Bible gives us qualifications for deacons which we carefully follow. However, we want to make sure our deacons are not just qualified but are equipped with the skills and tools needed to minister well. Larry and Cynthia Thompson will be leading SERVE, a leadership workshop for pastors, staff, deacons, and their spouses on November 16th at Fellowship Baptist Church. The Thompsons bring a wealth of experience and will be a blessing to your church. I encourage every church member to insist that your deacons and staff attend this workshop. Whether you have been serving for years or you are newly installed, you will benefit from this time together.


September Newsletter Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

What’s happening at The Rock?

This question has been asked over and over as people are noticing activity around The Rock Church building. The answer is that God is doing something at The Rock, and we get to be a part of it. The story will take more space than I have here, but I will do my best to hit the highlights.

Late last year the saints at The Rock contacted me asking for help. Our conversation did not begin or end with that one meeting. We have been talking for years about how churches in our association exist to glorify God by working together for His kingdom. To that end, I assured the members of The Rock that Centennial would help. My first step was to contact pastors who had expressed a desire to help hurting churches. The discussions began, and in May we all met together with Bob Bickford who was here to lead us at Elevate. The results of that meeting were some clear steps forward regarding what it looks like to replant a church.

The Rock suspended services and voted to allow a board of elders made up of pastors from Centennial to make day-to-day decisions. That included everything from cutting the grass to hiring a new pastor. I am extremely thankful for the courageous step these dear saints made in placing their faith in us and in the Lord to guide us. They have entrusted us with their history and their future, and we do not take that lightly.

In June the Lord sent us a team of 45 people from North Highlands Baptist Church (Hueytown, Alabama) to help renovate the church. The following week, the students at EQUIP Missions painted, cleaned, and installed carpet. We are still working on getting the work done, but it has been a blessing to see God pull people together.

As you read in the last newsletter Wesley Lassiter is the new pastor of The Rock Church. Marty Gilow will lead worship. Some of our churches have committed to sending members and funds to support this work. The Georgia Baptist Mission Board is also partnering with us to provide some funding. The core group comprised of the existing church members and some new families will begin meeting this week. We plan to begin worshipping together in September, with a goal to launch in January.

Although we probably won’t have everything quite ready for the public, we have made plans for The Rock Church to host our CBA Annual Fall Meeting on October 22. Come and hear more of this story and see how your church can pray with us. The Fall Meeting is always a great time to hear how God has worked through the churches of the Centennial Association. As always, let us know how we can be a part of what God is doing in your church.

August CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”                                                                                                                  – Philippians 1:6

There are days when life is downright frustrating. Perhaps our perfectly organized plans seem to be falling apart, or we are overwhelmed by the distractions of life. Maybe people in our life aren’t acting the way we want, or we just can’t get ourselves together. Whatever frustration you are facing, remember that God saved you for a purpose. He has your story planned out, and He is the One perfecting it according to His will. When I am feeling stressed out, I ask myself if I am striving in my own strength to accomplish things. Too often that is the source of my frustration. When I refocus on Christ and His plan, I am reminded that it is in His strength and for His glory that I am able.

The next couple of months are full of opportunities for you to receive encouragement and training for what God has called you to. EQUIP Youth Discipleship Weekend is August 9-10. We will explore what it means to have a Christian worldview grounded in Scripture. It’s not too late to bring your students. The cost is only $20 per student. Check out the details on our website.

GO Georgia will be held in two locations this year with the closest one being at First Baptist Jonesboro. If you have attended before, you know how extensive the sessions are at this event. If you haven’t been to GO Georgia, you should know that there are multiple equipping sessions for every aspect of church work. Choirs can participate in a retreat that happens in conjunction with GO Georgia, as well.

September 21 will be our annual fall women’s training event, Abide. This year we are focusing on two topics which were addressed at the Southern Baptist Convention in June. Everyone is encouraged to attend to hear our speakers discuss how churches can better address issues of sexual abuse and the biblical role of women in our churches. Our Women’s Ministry team has put together an incredible and impactful program this year, and you do not want to miss it.

This is also the time of year when churches are selecting leaders for the next church year. If you are serving as a pastor, staff member, or deacon put Saturday, November 16th on your calendar. Centennial will be hosting a leadership training event called SERVE. Larry and Cynthia Thompson will be leading sessions for both the men and their wives. There will also be a time for individual churches to discuss how the principles we are discussing affect their church. We anticipate a productive time for the churches that take advantage of this workshop.

Keep praying for one another and for what God is doing among the churches. We have some exciting things to announce soon related to the Outreach Trailer, The Rock Church, and our upcoming Fall meeting. Let me know how I can serve you!


June/July CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

This time of year seems to be a time of change. The weather is changing. Our schedules are changing. Church attendance even feels like a roller coaster for many of our churches as people are taking much needed vacation. For the Centennial Baptist Association churches, change can be very positive and beneficial, even when it is unexpected.

On May 19th, two of our churches became one. Fellowship and New Hope Thomaston joined together to form one body, meeting regularly on the Hannah’s Mill Road campus. The sign out front says, “Fellowship Baptist Church, New Hope for the Future.” We are hopeful and thankful for what God has done and what He will continue to do through this newly formed body of believers.

While these two were working through what a union would look like, several of us have been praying for and working with the members of The Rock Baptist Church regarding their future. After 99 years of ministry, we are certain that the Lord still has work for The Rock to complete in their community. We are currently working on a strategy to restart this church with the blessing of her current members. Pray for us as we seek the Lord’s direction and as we seek people to serve in this work. If you are interested in being a part of what God is doing at The Rock, please give me a call.

Other changes in our churches may not be as big or as obvious, but for those who are affected, they may seem a little overwhelming. I challenge you to pray for one another. Change is not always easy nor is it always good. The future can be uncertain and scary. Our convention has big decisions to make at our annual meeting this month that will impact our effectiveness moving forward. Pray for peace and unity, as well as wisdom for our chosen leaders and for every messenger. I believe God has placed us here in this time and location to lift up the name of Jesus in ways that no one else can. That applies to each local body and the entire SBC. Let’s keep the Gospel central to all we do.

Pray for those of us who are going to Pennsylvania in July. We will be working with Travis Ross and the Riverbend Church Planting Network once again. If you or someone in your church would like to join us, please contact the CBA office as soon as possible. Space is limited, and we need to purchase plane tickets very soon. 

We are working diligently to have the Outreach Trailer ready as soon as possible. With the approval of the Steering and Budget & Finance Committees, we have purchased a trailer and will begin filling it up with equipment when it arrives in about 6-8 weeks. Look for the policies and procedures on our website in the next month or so. Thank you for supporting the work of the CBA. Your continued support makes resources like this a possibility. We look forward to seeing you this summer!

May 2019 CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love one for another.”

The Apostle John recorded these words of Jesus that were spoken on the night He was betrayed. Having a limited amount of time, our Lord made sure His closest followers knew the importance of loving the way He loves. Love One Another is the theme for the National Day of Prayer which will take place on May 2, 2019. Each county in our association will have an observance, and I hope that you will take the time to join your community in prayer. More than that, I hope that you will take seriously Jesus’ mandate to love one another. The world needs to see and experience people of God who genuinely love.

By the time many of you read this, Elevate will have concluded. Thank you for your participation and for taking advantage of the opportunity to strengthen your church. Many churches struggle to survive when God has both the power and the desire for each church to thrive. As your Associational Mission Strategist, it is my privilege and hope to help your church be what God desires. We all want to see souls saved and disciples made. Hopefully you were able to glean from Bob Bickford some things that will help you achieve God’s purpose in your church.

School will be out, and summer will be in full swing before we know it. Enjoy these days of graduations, honors programs, and end-of-year activities. Invest your time in the next generation, even if you don’t have a student of your own. You would be surprised how much impact you can have on a family when you show support for their child, not to mention what it says to that child. As we move into the summer, I look forward to seeing many of you at Vacation Bible School, as well.

If you are looking for missions opportunities this summer, we are here to help. EQUIP Missions will take place June 23-26 at FBC Barnesville. Contact Jason Teal or the CBA office for more information. We are also continuing our partnership with Riverbend Church Planting Network in Allentown, PA. If you would like to be part of the team, contact the CBA office. We need to have deposits paid by June 1 for our trip which will be held July 30-August 4. We know that many of our churches are also going on mission all over our country and the world. If you are interested in going, but do not know where to start, call us and we will connect you with the right folks.

What a blessing to be able to serve together! Thank you for the tremendous spirit of cooperation and unity. Praise be to God for allowing us to work together for His kingdom purpose.

April 2019 Newsletter article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

Thank you for allowing me and Marni to take a life-changing trip to Israel! The purpose of our trip was to embark on a Prayer Journey throughout the country. We saw many of the sites that you would expect, but more importantly, we were able to meet with people who are seeking to impact the area with the Gospel. We now know better how to pray for the people of Israel. We look forward to sharing with you more about our experiences.

Many of you are in the midst of preparations for Resurrection Sunday. Whether you focus on outreach events, musical productions, or other ways of celebrating our Lord’s resurrection, our hope and prayer is that the name of Jesus is praised and that people are drawn to Him. We all know that there are some who will only be in church this one Sunday. This is a time when people will be open to coming to church with just a simple invitation. Encourage your members to go the extra mile to invite people to worship on Resurrection Sunday.

April 30th we will gather for the Elevate Church Strategy Summit. The theme this year is Replant. Every church can be a stronger, healthier church, no matter the size or the condition. Elevate will provide tools for you to examine the needs of your church and take steps toward a stronger church body. The structure of the event will differ from last year. Rather than having several topics covered in various workshops, we will focus on two aspects of the main topic. Each session will be led by Bob Bickford, Associate Director of NAMB Replant. This event is not just for pastors and staff. We encourage all church members to attend. There is no cost, but you can help us plan by registering yourself or your church at or by calling the CBA office.

Exciting things are happening in the Centennial Baptist Association. Thank you for being a part of the work God is doing here. Let us know how we can help you reach your local mission field.

March 2019 CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

By the time you read this, Marni and I will probably be on our way to Israel. What started as a “maybe someday” and grew to a “possibly when we are older” has now become a reality for us. I know many of you have expressed a desire to go with us, so maybe we will work on that becoming reality someday, as well. The opportunity to walk where Jesus walked and to experience the culture in which he lived, albeit much removed from first century, is something we are joyfully anticipating. I am the worst about remembering to take pictures, but I will try to be intentional about it so we can share our experience with you.

While we are gone, we will continue to pray for you. We thank God for the work He is doing through the churches in the Centennial Association. Just yesterday I witnessed a simple exchange of ideas between people from two different churches which looks to result in a joint effort regarding discipling children. What a joy it is to live and serve in an area where people look for opportunities to work together without reservation!

As I prepare to be gone two things have been on my mind regarding you. The first is the Dental Clinic. All the pieces are in place for a successful project. The only thing left is to get the word out to those who need these services and then to execute the plan well. Experience tells me that you will all play your part to make sure this happens. Let us all pray that souls are saved through the practical help we are able to give through this ministry project. If you would still like to volunteer, contact me by email at I will be able to respond to this easier than a phone call while I am away.

The second is the upcoming Elevate Church Strategy Summit. Our theme is REPLANT, and it amazes me how timely this topic is for our churches. God placed this on my heart over a year ago. Now we have several churches working through some of the very issues we will be discussing at Elevate. Plan to bring your people to this training event. Whether your church is in a position to need help or to send help, Elevate will speak to some overarching concepts that affect the church as a whole. You need to be part of this discussion, because we all need one another if we are going to reach our area with the Gospel.

Thank you for loving us so well and for allowing us to take the time for spiritual renewal and prayer. We will be embarking on a prayer journey as we travel throughout Israel. As always we will remember you in our prayers, because you are all such a part of our life and ministry. I praise the Father for you and pray His blessing of peace for you and that He produces fruit through you as you serve Him.

February 2019 CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

In 2 Kings 18, we are told that King Hezekiah led the people of Judah to turn back to the one true God. “He removed the high places and broke down the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherah. He also broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the sons of Israel burned incense to it; and it was called Nehushtan.” One has to wonder how something that God meant as a symbol of salvation became an object of false worship.

We all know the story of how the children of Israel were dying from venomous snake bites in the wilderness. (Check out Numbers 21 for the full story.) Moses was instructed by God to make a fiery serpent out of bronze and lift it up. When someone was bit by a snake, they simply had to look at the serpent, and they would be healed. When Jesus discussed regeneration with Nicodemus (John 3), He enlightened the scribe with the revelation that “as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.” So some 1400 years before Jesus was born, his crucifixion was being demonstrated in the wilderness.

But somehow between Moses and Hezekiah, the people moved from recognizing the serpent on the standard as a symbol of salvation to worshipping it as an idol. You can see how they made this mistake. Worship in the temple was corrupted. Passover had not been practiced for years. Through the judges and many of the kings, worship of God had been sporadic. The people simply did what people do today. They look for something to worship and often times focus on the wrong things.

What is tragic about this particular instance is that the original intention for the serpent was holy and good, yet over time people adulterated it. I think this is what happens in churches today when we place too much emphasis on tradition and preferences. We have made idols out of things God intended as tools to point us to Him. When the style of worship or the way we do church becomes an end unto itself, we are missing the point. When Jesus is the focus, the other stuff doesn’t matter as much.

So what is your Nehushtan? What is that part of your worship or practice that was once a means to focus on Jesus, but has now become a distraction from true worship? Maybe it is time we do some introspection and shatter the serpent on the standard in our own lives. Making these changes can be difficult, because we have placed importance on such things. But remember that when Jesus is lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself. Let’s be like Hezekiah who “clung to the Lord; he did not depart from following Him.”(2 Kings 18:6)

January 2019 CBA News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

New year = new opportunities! Throughout my ministry I have heard that the most productive years of ministry are years 7-10. I don’t know of any data supporting this, but if it is true, we are in for a great year. It is hard to believe we are into our seventh year at the Centennial Association, but looking back I am blessed to see how much God has done here. I pray that you are all thinking strategically about how your church will impact your community in 2019 and beyond. The enemy has a plan. Let’s be on the offensive to gain more ground this year than he does.

This edition of the newsletter includes several opportunities for your leaders to be equipped to make a difference. Take advantage of the ones you believe will make the biggest impact. Let me take a minute to preview just a few that I think are worth your time.

·         Sunday School Training – January 14 @ Trinity. As an extension of the SS Mentoring Program we are inviting all our churches to participate in this session where we will have experts in each age group speaking on teaching and outreach methods.

·         Children’s Ministry Workshop – January 27 @ Mt. Olive. Our annual lineup of workshops for all your children’s workers will cover topics that affect every church. You will also be able to preview VBS material and even purchase Lifeway VBS through the CBA.

·         Johnny Hunt Replay – February 2 @ Valley Grove. The Men’s Conference will be held as a one day event this year, but there will still be steak! Breakouts will include both recorded ones from the conference at Woodstock and ones offered by some of our local pastors.

·         Women’s Inspirational – February 25 @ Macedonia. The annual Inspirational meeting for all our women is always a great time of worship and fellowship. Make plans now to be a part of this.

·         Elevate – April 30 @ FBC Barnesville. Save the date now! Bob Bickford with NAMB Replant will be with us to discuss every church’s role in revitalization.

These are just a few of the training events we have planned for 2019. If there is ever a need in your church above and beyond what we offer here, call on me. Either I will come lead a training session for your folks, or I will connect you with someone else who is more capable than I on the subject. Our goal is to help you be the best church you can be – the one God wants you to be for the sake of His Kingdom. Our task of reaching the world is great, but our God is greater! Praise be to our Father for His plan to reach the nations using people like us.

December 2018 CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

 “When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, ‘Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.’ So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told to them about this Child. And all who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. The shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them.” (Luke 2:15-20)

The announcement from the angels must have come as quite a shock to the shepherds. Although the Messiah was to come someday, they had no idea it would be that night, nor did they ever expect to be the first to hear of His birth. However, when they heard, they eagerly followed the angels’ instructions. They hurried, and they proclaimed what they had seen and heard, not just to Mary and Joseph, but also to anyone who would listen. Imagine the joy they must have felt! My prayer is that we enter this Christmas season with that same sense of awe and wonder and that same sense of urgency.

No matter what you have experienced this year, you have a reason to celebrate. Some of you have been overwhelmed with loss this year. Others have sent children to college or the mission field or the military. Many in our church families have experienced anxiety, depression, and fear. But others have added children to their families or watched a dear friend come to Christ after years of praying for him or her. We have all rejoiced and mourned. God has been good through it all, because He is faithful. “We have seen and testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.” (1 John 4:14) This news alone is enough to celebrate!

This month, Marni and I complete our sixth year with the Centennial Association. Thank you for calling us here. Thank you for supporting the work the Lord has given us to do here. Thank you for being on mission with us to spread the Gospel throughout our communities. It is our joy to serve the Lord with you. We pray you have a joyful Christmas season and the news of our Savior’s birth is continually in your heart and on your lips.

November 2018 CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

Have you ever wondered why God saw fit to create us with emotions? In his wisdom, He allows us to experience joy, grief, anger, and relief, often times in quick succession. This roller coaster of emotions can overwhelm us if we are not careful to put things in their proper perspective. We have a hope in Christ that those without Him never know. That makes all the difference.

The last week has been one of those up and down weeks. The CBA Annual Fall Meeting was such an incredible experience! Yatesville Baptist Church hosted us with such care and attention to detail. The music was exceptional, the reports were uplifting, and the preaching was timely. God has blessed us with a spirit of cooperation and I am grateful. Thanks to you, the BCM loaded 661 backpacks on the truck bound for Randolph and Quitman Counties. Marni and I were able to deliver these to some very thankful partners in this work. Yet as we drove there, we could not help but notice the damage caused by the hurricane. Once again, joy mixed with grief.

We celebrated my birthday this weekend by taking a few days to rest. I thank God for my wife and the great work she does by my side for the CBA. Even as we took a break, we kept up with the news of bombs being mailed and worshippers being attacked in a synagogue in Pittsburg. While some have already drawn battle lines using these depraved acts as weapons in ongoing political warfare, we must remember that we have only one enemy. His name is Satan, and he will use every means at his disposal to divert our attacks on him toward one another. May the Lord remind us that He has won.

This week also brought with it the opportunity to remember one of our own. Dr. Ken Ross displayed the kind of temperament we need today. His kind words and gentle manner remind us that we serve a God of peace. Ken never failed to encourage me to press on in the work God has called me to do. I grieve for his family and his church and for my own loss, but I do not grieve as one without hope. I pray you do the same.

I eagerly look forward to what we have going on in the months ahead. The Georgia Baptist Convention will meet in Warner Robins November 11-13. Communities will join for Thanksgiving worship services. Ministers and their wives will gather for our annual Christmas fellowship. And the Church will celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with special times of worship. However, we may also face loss, tragedy, and unknown dangers. Some of you are going through your own personal struggles even now. How we respond will depend on whether or not we see how God is working through it all to bring glory to Himself. What looks like chaos from one view may just be a perfect design from another perspective. Let us have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to respond to God correctly.

October 2018 Newsletter

Sorry, folks! I guess I forgot to post this last month. So here I am about to post November’s newsletter article and there is no October one.

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

This week I read the following on social media: “It’s fall in Georgia, you know what that means? Absolutely nothing, it’s still 90 degrees outside.” The weather may not be changing as quickly as we would like, but this season in the Centennial Baptist Association means that we are gearing up for the Annual Fall Meeting. Please join us at Yatesville Baptist Church on Tuesday, October 23, 2018. The business portion of the meeting will be filled with reports from our various ministries and committees. You will also hear from two of our ministry partners: Bill Barker with Appalachian Mountain Ministries and Travis Ross with Riverbend Church Planting Network. We are very excited to hear from Pastor Dean Hemphill who will bring a message from God’s Word. This will be a great evening of worship and celebration.

One of the biggest joys of this ministry is to see churches working together for the Kingdom. I have been privileged to watch churches support one another in ways that bring glory to God and bring life to the Church. Whether it is by meeting together for worship and community revivals, sending help during Vacation Bible School, or providing someone to fill a vacant pulpit, our churches see the value in building one another up. We understand that we are one Church meeting in various locations. The momentum is building. I can’t wait to see what God has planned next.

Thank you for all you continue to do to make the name of Jesus known. Keep representing Him well in your communities. Keep being salt and light to those who need to see the Church in action. Together we are making an impact, because Jesus is our King and the Spirit is our Guide.

Don’t forget to pack your backpacks for the children of Randolph and Quitman Counties and bring them to the Annual Fall Meeting on October 23. The students from Gordon College Baptist Collegiate Ministries will once again load them on the truck. For more information on packing a backpack, go to the CBA website or call the office.

September 2018 CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

What’s in a name? In case you haven’t heard, the Steering Committee of the Centennial Baptist Association voted to adopt the recommendation from the Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders that my title be changed to Associational Mission Strategist. The new title better reflects what associational leaders like me actually do. Rather than serve as a missionary to our churches (who presumably already know Jesus), I work to help our churches strategically impact their communities and make disciples.

This is the time of year when we begin to look forward to our Annual Fall Meeting where we will celebrate what God has done so far this year and will present some plans for 2019. In preparation for the Fall Meeting, here are a few things you can do:

·         Be willing to serve. The Nominating Committee will be calling on some of you to serve in various capacities next year. Thank you in advance for using your gifts for the association.

·         Be willing to host. Every year we ask churches to host meetings throughout the year. Next year could be your year to host a women’s event, Quarterly Fellowship Lunch, or annual meeting.

·         Attend the Executive Committee meeting at Neal Baptist Church on September 6. In order to streamline the business portion of the Fall Meeting, we handle some of our business at the Executive Committee meeting. If you are a member of the Executive Committee, please attend.

Last month we kicked off a new and exciting ministry for music ministers. We all know how important music is to corporate worship in our churches. We held our first Music Ministers Roundtable in August, and, like our Pastor Roundtables, it was a great time of encouragement. We plan to begin an additional Roundtable specifically for our bivocational music leaders who are unable to attend during the day. The first Bivocational Music Ministers Roundtable will be held Tuesday, September 11, 6:30 PM at Mountain View. Check the calendar each month for future meetings. Both Roundtables are open to anyone serving in music ministry.

I am so thankful that our God loves variety. No matter what your passion, your personality, or your gifts, He has a place for you in the body of Christ. Every church has the ability to reach people no other church will reach. We need one another and the world needs to see a church united and lifting up the great name of Jesus. Keep on piercing the darkness with His light!

August 2018 CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Missionary, Steve Laughman

Laugh at me if you want, but I was one of those weird kids who liked going back to school. My name is Steve, and I am a nerd. (Hi, Steve.) To all the other nerds or former nerds out there, you know the feeling of getting new school supplies and gleefully finishing your summer reading in anticipation of that first day back in the classroom. You had your new mechanical pencil and Scooby-Doo lunch box ready to go long before you needed them. Even now as I walk the aisles of Walmart, I resist the urge to buy new, clean, unmarked notebooks and calendars. There is something about a new start.

I guess that is why I enjoyed the beginning of school. It was a chance to start over. The notebooks served as a modern clean slate on which I would eventually work out problems or write about the things I was learning. A new school year was a chance to prove myself again, a chance to rise to the challenge and explore the possibilities.

Of course, I didn’t always get it right. I remember when erasable ink came out. In theory, you could erase your mistake, even if it was written in pen. In reality, you just smudged the paper and probably rubbed a hole in it. Aren’t you glad God doesn’t leave it up to us to erase our own mistakes? He offers a clean slate each time we mess up. If it were my job to clean up my messes, I would surely make a bigger mess. But I serve a Savior who is bigger than my mistakes. He covers them with His blood and removes them from my account. I have the joy of a fresh start every single day.

Whether you or your church is riding the wave of God’s goodness or you are sinking because of the weight of your burdens, look to Him for your joy and success. He offers a new start when times are hard and He sustains us when times are good. Let us not rely on our own abilities or talents, but rest in His strength and power.

CBA works to connect you with the resources you need to be the church God wants you to be. I would encourage everyone to take advantage of the offerings listed here in the newsletter. GO Georgia is an especially good opportunity for you to receive training and encouragement no matter what area of ministry you are called to. We are fortunate that this year it will be held in Macon, very close to most of us. Sunday School Mentoring starts this month. It is not too late for your church to participate. Contact me for more information on this or anything else you read here.