The Centennial Baptist Association exists to network churches through equipping and encouraging them to make disciples.


Networking Churches to Make Disciples

  • Centennial Baptist Association is a partnership of Baptist churches in Lamar, Pike, Monroe, and Upson Counties.

  • The Bible is the sole guide for faith and practice for all churches of this Association.

  • The Doctrinal Statement known as the Baptist Faith & Message (2000) represents the doctrinal beliefs of this Association.

  • Centennial Association promotes missions, fellowship, evangelism, church organization, church growth, church health, and Christian education in cooperation with other Associations, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and the Southern Baptist Convention.

  • The Association encourages giving through the local church, the local association, and the Cooperative Program.

The Centennial Baptist Association is organized around four priorities:

  • Church Health & Strengthening

  • Missions & Community Impact

  • Campus & Collegiate Ministry

  • Church Planting & Replanting