Appeal to Heaven Flag

With only four weeks before ENCOUNTER, I was reminded of a story David Franklin, AM for Bartow Baptist Association, shared with me about one of the first flags of our nation. I would like to challenge all our churches to set aside Sunday, September 11, 2016, as a day of prayer for our nation, our community, and the lost. This is the day before ENCOUNTER begins, and I cannot think of a better time to make an appeal to heaven.

Here is the story:

An Appeal to Heaven Flag

"The little known story that follows in these few paragraphs tells about the creation of our nation’s first flag during crisis, the one before Betsy Ross sewed the Stars and Bars in 1776, and the one that was used throughout the Revolution by many companies. This first flag that symbolized the American dream is simply known as the Appeal to Heaven flag. 

"The American colonies found themselves in turmoil in the summer of 1775. Shots had been fired. King George declared the colonies in rebellion. War had come. In response, the Continental Congress unanimously appointed George Washington as General over the colonial forces on July 3, 1775. He humbly accepted the daunting task to wage war against the most powerful nation on earth at the time. That summer, he quickly concluded that naval vessels must be commissioned to intercept British shipping. Shortly afterward six schooner entered service, most likely funded from Washington’s own pocket. This became known as 'Washington’s Secret Navy'. The ships needed a flag to fly under, but none existed at the time. After careful consideration, Washington chose to boldly affix the words Appeal to Heaven on a white background, and sewed a large green pine tree in the center, thus creating the Appeal to Heaven flag. 

"The words Appeal to Heaven were influenced by John Locke, the leading political philosopher of the era. In his work, Second Treatise of Government, he argued that once a people had exhausted every possible means of redress in conflict with a sovereign, they were then permitted to appeal to heaven for the rectitude of their cause.

"This belief can be seen in our Declaration of Independence by the phrase 'appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions'. In other words, so convinced were they of the rightness of their cause, they cried to God to intervene on their behalf. 

"The Appeal to Heaven flag, also known as 'Washington’s Cruiser Flag', flew on the six schooners as they were launched. Just a few months after their first voyage, the British Brigantine, named the 'Nancy', was captured by one of our schooners, the 'Lee'. On board were muskets, flint, gun powder and other supplies in abundance, enough to last for a year. Not only was this the greatest capture of the entire Revolution, it also inspired all the founding fathers, and the birth of the United States Navy as we know it today.

"In 1776, the state of Massachusetts adopted this flag for its own Navy. The Massachusetts Navy sailed 25 ships during the war to defend the coast from the British and was eventually absorbed into the United States Navy. In addition to the schooners, the flag was also known to be on floating batteries, river banks, in towns, battlefields like Bunker Hill, and even in places of most importance like our nation’s capital in Philadelphia. It is reported that Washington carried this flag into every battle he fought in. 

"The Pine Tree, also known as the Tree of Peace, had long been a symbol of importance to the colonies. Some one thousand years before, in a very troubling and conflicted time among six Iroquois Indian tribes, a peace maker brought the six tribes together for peace. It was under one of these giant pine trees that a peace treaty was brokered and they buried their war hatchets. The phrase 'bury the hatchet' comes from this. Legend has it that a powerful bald eagle clutching six arrows in its claws perched atop the tree to guard it. Does that sound familiar? The American eagle on our seal has thirteen arrows in its claws. 

"The story stands as an inspiration for all future generations, but especially for American Christians, to come together in unity, burying the hatchet, and to Appeal to Heaven for help. Shall we not, like our forefathers of old, unite around this one purpose? Shall we not lay aside the issues that divide us? Shall we not bury the hatchet of racial, denominational, and generational differences and unite, remembering the very words of Jesus, 'No city or house divided against itself will stand.'? 

"May we not take great courage from the hope authorized in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if we humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from Heaven, forgive our sins and heal the land?"

Let us make our appeal to heaven on behalf of our nation, our community, and the lost people all around us. May God have mercy and bring healing and salvation.

August 2016 CBA Newsletter

The time has arrived for the rubber to meet the road, the hammer to hit the nail, the boots to be on the ground. Use whatever metaphor works for you. It is crunch time, and I could not be more excited. We have all worked toward this moment for about a year. ENCOUNTER starts in just a few weeks. As the time arrives, let us keep a few things in mind:

·         Prayer is the most powerful evangelistic tool we have. When we pray daily for our lost friends and family by name, our hearts turn to God’s desire for their souls. We begin to look for opportunities to share Christ with them. We get excited about how God is moving them toward Himself. Do not neglect seeking the Lord when it comes to a spiritual harvest.

·         The Holy Spirit is in charge. Although we get to be the hands and feet, working to put all the pieces together, we recognize that everything we do must be led by God’s Spirit. Our worship, our service, our planning, and our goals should all be designed by Him and filled with His presence. Be sensitive to how the Holy Spirit will guide you during this time of revival.

·         Conflict is from the enemy. Satan will use whatever we allow him to use to defeat God’s plan. Sometimes that tool is church members who are angry, bitter and selfish. We must seek unity in and among our churches and put aside our own preferences for the sake of the Gospel.

There is much more I want to share, but space and time are limited. Go to our website for resources related to ENCOUNTER. Be a part of what God is doing in our community through this event. It is not too late to get involved. I hope to see you all, and those you bring with you, at ENCOUNTER, September 12-15 at the Rock Ranch.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman

Praying for Revival

Lately, I have had several people ask me how many people will be attending the area-wide revival called ENCOUNTER at the Rock Ranch on September 12-15, 2016. Some of those people are just curious. Others need to know for logistical reasons like how many Chick-fil-A sandwiches to prepare. My answer is usually the same: "I have no idea."

I can guess, and I usually offer that, too. But, the truth is that I am concerned that the urgency I feel for revival is not shared by most people. I know that many of our pastors and church members have already begun to pray and prepare for revival. They are invested with their time and talents already. Their enthusiasm and passion for God to move matches mine, and I am thankful that we share that vision.

The question then comes regarding how to convey what we feel to all of those around us: lost people, apathetic church members, Christians who are so busy with life that spiritual things become secondary. We can shout from the pulpits of our churches. We can inform people through social media, our church signs, and our bulletins. We can even personally implore people. All of that may influence some, but I believe that the answer is simpler than that.

We must pray. Not the quick sentence we say before we eat, or the sleepy goodnight we say to the Lord as we doze at night. We must dedicate ourselves to praying specifically for the lost and for revival in our own lives. I received an email regarding praying for revival recently. It stated "If Jesus could say to Lazarus, 'Lazarus, come forth', He can say to Revival in America, 'Revival, come forth'. We intend to ask Him." I want us to have that kind of boldness before God. I desire to see God move among our churches long before September. My hope is that by the time ENCOUNTER rolls around, revival has broken out and souls are being saved all over our area. But we must pray.

Revival does not happen without God's people getting real before Him. We must examine our lives for sin and repent. I have witnessed more conflict in churches over the last few months than ever before in my ministry. I believe it is Satan's ploy to distract us from what God wants to accomplish through us. A church in conflict is usually not a church that is winning the lost. We must repent corporately and get past whatever is causing the trouble. Our singular focus must be on the Kingdom of God - glorifying our King and bringing the lost to Him.

I have made a commitment to the Lord to pray daily for the lost people in my life by name and for ENCOUNTER. I hope you will join me. I choose to pray at 9:12 since September 12th is the first day of revival. Perhaps this time works for you as well. Regardless of when you pray, let us boldly approach our Father's throne together for the sake of those who need Jesus.

Join me for "The Most Important Day" on July 30th at 10 AM at First Baptist Barnesville. Jon Reed will share a simple plan for engaging the lost, investing in their lives, and inviting them to ENCOUNTER. This training is for EVERY CHURCH MEMBER, not just pastors and leaders. Encourage your entire church family to be there. It will only take a couple hours of your time, and it will be well worth it.

July 2016 CBA Newsletter

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore, keep standing firm…” – Galatians 5:1

As we celebrate our nation’s birthday this month, I cannot help but think about how so many people do not understand freedom. While some abuse the freedom we have or misinterpret it as a license to do whatever they want, let us remember that true freedom is found in Christ Jesus, the only One who sets us free from sin and its bondage.

Please plan to join me for The Most Important Day of ENCOUNTER on Saturday, July 30th at Barnesville First Baptist. Evangelist Jon Reed will be leading the training. You can be involved in two ways:

1.       Response Team Training, 9 AM. If you would like to assist those who make decisions at ENCOUNTER, plan to be at this training.

2.       Every Member Training, 10 AM. If you have anyone in your life who needs Jesus (and you know you do), then this training is for you. You will learn how to pray for, engage with, and invest in the lost. There is a suggested $10 donation to cover training materials. Encourage all your friends and fellow church members to attend.

Pray for those involved in missions this month. Many from our churches are on the go, as well as a group from the CBA that is going to Copper Basin. Youth from our churches will also be doing local missions during EQUIP on Mission this month. For more information on any of these opportunities, check out our website.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman

June 2016 CBA Newsletter

When I was a kid I spent my summers going from one Vacation Bible School to another so by the end of the summer, I knew all the songs very well. I had also seen a few pastors get pies in the face and eaten my share of cookies. But I had also made lots of friends and heard the wonderful stories of the Bible over and over again. I still look forward to VBS every year. I pray that the Lord brings children and parents to salvation this summer through your efforts.

I was able to travel to Ducktown this week to prepare the way for our trip to Copper Basin, July 8-12. This year we will focus on two primary projects: working at the Crisis Center and completing some light construction projects. If you would like to join us, please make plans to be at the team meeting 6:30 on June 2 at Shiloh in Thomaston. I would ask that everyone pray for the team and for the Pattersons who run the Crisis Center. Al and Margaret are experiencing some challenges of their own at this time. Let’s continue to pray for them and the vital work they are doing.

We also have folks from Centennial churches traveling all over the world to places like Panama, Honduras, Moldova, Montana, Oklahoma, and Nicaragua, to name just a few. I am grateful that we have so many mission minded followers of Christ serving in our churches. I am also thankful that we live in a time when traveling to the uttermost is feasible. My prayer is that as we go, we will not only make disciples of all nations, but we will bring the excitement of evangelism home with us.

The Most Important Day of ENCOUNTER will be here next month, July 30th. Please, mark your calendars and encourage your fellow church members to attend. We will begin the day at 9:00 with training for our Response Team, those who will be assisting people as they make decisions for Christ at ENCOUNTER. Then at 10:00 Evangelist Jon Reed will share with all of us how to intentionally engage the lost people in our lives with the Gospel and an invitation to join us at ENCOUNTER. I cannot emphasize enough that this day is for ALL church members, not just pastors and leadership. I believe that churches that make this a priority will see an environment of evangelism grow among their fellowship and will see people come to know Christ at ENCOUNTER. I look forward to seeing you all there.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman

Different Views on Graduation

In just a couple of days, my daughter Abigail will walk across a stage and receive her well-earned high school diploma. As we approach this milestone, I have noticed that there are many perspectives on this event.

I barely remember being a senior in high school; although, there are certainly plenty of bright spots throughout high school that float through my mind from time to time. As I try to see graduation through the eyes of my daughter and her classmates, I vaguely remember the sense of accomplishment and the weight of what this day means. Their hope and fear for the future is all mingled together. For many there is an inflated sense of how much they really know and how old they really are. After all, they are the oldest they have ever been and they know more than they have ever known. That will last until about August when college starts. But what my daughter seems to be experiencing is an increasing awareness that although life is about to change dramatically, it is still going to be great.

On the other hand, as parents we see this whole thing in a different light. Marni is approaching Abigail's graduation with all the emotion that comes with sending her only daughter off to live in the big city. She is already missing her. And although she is extremely grateful for all Abigail has accomplished, deep down she kind of wishes her little girl would stay little and still need her mommy a little more.

I am not sure if all dads face graduation like me, but I tend to look at it as more of a door opening than one closing. I have high hopes for my little girl who is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. I want to celebrate with her and relish in the joy she is finding in this process. And although I sometimes wonder how she will handle her new challenges or what direction her life will take, I know that we are only a phone call away. I also know that our Lord goes before her and already has a plan.

In some ways, Marni and I are really just two sides to the same coin. If I dwell too much on the fact that my little girl is all grown up and doesn't need me quite as much as she used to, then I might just lose it. Marni also trusts the Lord to protect Abigail no matter where He leads her. In fact, her faith in God's plan is probably one of the greatest things she has passed on to Abigail. That's why we can send her off to the great unknown knowing that it is only unknown to us. He has always known what her future holds.

So my prayer for Abigail and all those graduating this season is this:

May you always follow the steps of our faithful Father as He leads you toward Himself. May you find your worth in the fact that Jesus paid the highest price for your soul. May you be sensitive to the voice of the Spirit as He teaches and comforts you. And may you find joy and grace in every experiences of life. Amen.

May 2016 CBA Newletter

Recently I had a wonderful conversation with my daughter, Abigail, who will be graduating from high school this month. We talked a lot about achievements and honors and how incredibly proud I am of everything she has accomplished. We talked about how things come to an end and how new beginnings can be challenging and exciting. After our conversation, I reflected on how thankful I am that God entrusted Marni and me to equip our children for whatever He has planned for them. I am sure we don’t always get it right, but maybe they can learn from our mistakes, as well.

Many of you as pastors are also entrusted with equipping the saints for the work of ministry. During our ENCOUNTER Prep meeting in April, we reflected on how well we are doing in this area. My hope is that you are all joyfully completing the task of equipping those in your care. There are times when challenges arise. When that happens, know that you are not alone.

We are now only four months away from ENCOUNTER. If you have not already begun to promote this area wide harvest revival in your church, please do so. Encourage all of your church members to set aside July 30th as the Most Important Day of ENCOUNTER. On that day, we will all meet at FBC Barnesville to hear from Jon Reed about how each of us can engage the lost effectively. This is not just for church leaders or pastors. This is a day for every church member who wants to see people they know get saved. There will also be a time on that same day for training those who will be helping during the decision time. More details will be available soon.

It is also time for our ministry teams to begin planning for ENCOUNTER. We still need churches to take on the responsibilities of the following teams: Children’s Care, Follow-Up, and Publicity. If your church would like to fill one of these roles, please contact me as soon as possible.

Even as we look toward the future, let us not forget what is going on right around the corner. The Bible Reading Marathon and National Day of Prayer will be the first week of this month. The Quarterly Lunch Fellowship will be the second week. Baccalaureates for our graduates will be coming up after that. And then we are all busy with Vacation Bible Schools, mission trips, and summer activities. May the Lord bless your efforts as you seek to reach people with the life-changing message of Jesus and His gift of salvation.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman

April CBA News Article

On the front page of our recently updated website, you will find the words “The Power of Partnership.” I chose those words, because I believe that we are stronger together than we could ever be on our own. That is true for us as individuals and as individual churches. Each body of believers exists to glorify God in their own area of influence, to equip believers in their own congregation, and to reach the lost in their own community. However, as a whole, the Church is one body with “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father”(Eph. 4:5-6). As Southern Baptists, one way that we demonstrate this truth is by cooperatively supporting missions through Centennial Association, the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, the North American Mission Board, and the International Mission Board.

At the end of this month, we have the opportunity to celebrate these partnerships at the Bridges Conference. On April 30th, pastors and church leaders will join with State Missionaries and representatives from NAMB and IMB to enjoy a meal together at First Baptist Thomaston and hear about the work that God is doing through our missions sending agencies. Dr. J. Robert White, Executive Director of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board will be our keynote speaker. I am thankful that so many of our churches have already planned to be a part of this. Then on the next day, most of our churches will have a State Missionary in their worship services to share a message from God’s Word and a testimony of how God is using their ministry to reduce lostness in Georgia. I want to remind each church that they are doing this as part of their ministry, so your church should not plan to give an honorarium.

For those of you who joined us for the Spring Meeting last month, you heard all about the upcoming ENCOUNTER Harvest Revival. I believe God is preparing our area for a harvest by encouraging us to become laborers in the field. Larry Wynn challenged us to cast the seed of the Gospel anticipating a harvest of souls. Thank you for your response to the call to revival. I want to also thank New Hope for being such a gracious host church.

One last note on the topic of missions: Early this month, we will once again host the Baptist Mobile Health Ministry’s Dental Clinic. There is still a need for volunteers to help with registration and sharing the Gospel with those who come. If you are willing to be a part of this outreach effort, please contact our office soon so that we can be ready for those who come for dental care. If you are unable to help, please keep the weekend of April 7-9 in your prayers as we seek to reach souls through meeting physical needs.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman

Thank you for a GREAT Spring Meeting

Aren't Associational business meetings supposed to be boring?

Hopefully, the Centennial Baptist Association will never be accused of that. Last night was once again a testimony to what God is doing in and through our churches and the association as a whole. During our business meeting, we voted to accept Concord Baptist Church as a new member church. I praise the Lord that we have this new opportunity to work alongside another great church.

We also heard from a number of our ministry leaders about the work that is being done. Continue to check out the upcoming events on this website for more information on each of these. Remember that the slate of new officers, ministry leaders, and committee members goes into effect on October 1, 2016. If you are already serving in those roles, you still have a few months to go.

New Hope was a great host church. They provided a wonderful meal, as well as welcoming us into their place with open arms. Thank you to Interim Pastor Jim Waller and the rest of the folks from New Hope.

You responded in a big way to the request to help out the Georgia Baptist Children's Home. I know that the resources you provided will serve to help those in need. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with the Children's Home, as God continues to use them to meet the needs of hurting children and families.

The evening was made even better as we worshiped our Lord and heard from Larry Wynn, Vice-President of Church Revitalization and Evangelism at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. Ryan Showalter and the folks from FBC Thomaston did a beautiful job leading us to the throne of God through song. Larry challenged each of us to do our part to bring people into the Kingdom of God. We were reminded once again that evangelism is not complicated. "We do not have a harvest problem. We have a labor problem."

If you attended the meeting, you heard a lot about ENCOUNTER, the Area-Wide Revival scheduled for September 12-15, 2016 at the Rock Ranch. Let me challenge you and encourage you with the following:

  • We collected nearly $1100 last night for ENCOUNTER.

  • Several churches have accepted the responsibility of heading Ministry Teams, but there are still many more where we need your help.

  • Jon Reed's video encouraging you to participate in the Most Important Day of ENCOUNTER, July 30 is available to you on the DVD that was handed out with your minutes.

  • You also have the artwork for the business cards that were passed out. If you want a banner like the one hanging in the sanctuary last night, use that artwork. Contact me if you have questions about that.

  • If your church would like more business cards to invite folks, come by the CBA office. We still have plenty.

  • As Larry reminded us, we need to begin identifying, investing in, and inviting specific people who we believe need Jesus in their lives. You can start doing this now, long before September.

Thank you for all you do for Christ's Kingdom and His church! It is an honor to serve with you.

Week of Prayer

This is the Week of Prayer for North American Missions. Churches start promoting the Annie Armstrong offering this week, as well. I don't need to spend a lot of time convincing you that our nation is in need of prayer. We must remember, however, that our greatest need is not economic or political. It is not about who gets the nominations for President or what's going on with your favorite sports team or celebrity. This nation is in need of the move of God.

Marni and I were blessed to serve as church planters with NAMB right out of seminary. I can tell you from experience that the journey of a North American missionary is difficult and challenging. People think that living in America means the task is easier than if God had sent us to another country. In some ways this is true. We already spoke the language and our children got to see their grandparents often. However, serving in the US comes with its own set of problems. People are not always receptive to the Gospel when they have easy access to it. The cost of living in the US is high, which as it turns out was one of our biggest struggles. I am thankful for the time we spent on the mission field here in the US, because it helps me know how to pray for those who are still serving through NAMB.

Thank you for praying for missionaries, whether they are on the other side of the world or serving right here in North America. Keep supporting them with your love and your gifts through CP and the Annie Armstrong offering. Remember that their struggle is real and unique to their setting.

March CBA News Article

A Word from Your Missionary:

Years ago I was part of an area-wide revival that we called “Soul Harvest.” It was a beautiful experience as churches of various denominations and racial backgrounds joined together for worship and the proclamation of God’s Word. I was appointed to organize the counseling area, which was a large hallway next to the school gym where we were meeting. On the night Larry Wynn preached, I believe it was a Tuesday, God made His presence known and 62 people made decisions to follow Christ. Our hallway was packed full. There were counselors talking with two or three people at once. Bibles and materials were being passed out faster than we could get them out of the boxes. It was so much fun!

We are blessed to have Larry Wynn scheduled to preach at our CBA Spring Meeting and One Day Revival at New Hope, Thomaston, on Tuesday, March 15th. The business meeting will start at 5:00, followed by a meal at 6:00 and then the Revival service at 7:00. Encourage your entire church family to attend this service. We always have a great time of worship when we get together, but I believe this one is going to be even better. You do not want to miss it.

God is moving among our churches. I hear over and over about people coming to Christ and baptismal pools being filled. Our communities need to see God at work in our churches. I am encouraged by what I see. Church members are going outside the church walls to engage the lost. There is a sense of urgency to share the Gospel. As pastors and church leaders, many of you have the privilege to equip the saints to do this work. Jon Reed made the statement recently that he believes every Christian has a desire to win someone to Christ. They just need the tools and the encouragement. Together, we can make Jesus known throughout Pike, Upson, Monroe and Lamar counties. May our passion for Christ make others hungry for Him, as well.

Pray for our students this month as we have our annual discipleship weekend, EQUIP, at Silvertown on March 4 & 5. If you haven’t yet registered your group, it is not too late. I hope to see you there.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman

February CBA News Article

This article appears in the monthly newsletter of the Centennial Baptist Association.

A Word from Your Missionary:

I was reminded recently of the importance of rest. On many occasions our Lord Jesus insisted that the apostles take the time to remove themselves from the hectic work of ministry in order to just spend time with Him. So often, we think of what we do on Sunday at church as the pinnacle of ministry. Although for a pastor, the preaching ministry should be a priority, arguably the priority, we forget that at its heart, Sunday is meant to be a day to recharge and renew our focus so that we can be effective ministers outside the walls of the church the rest of the week. Too often, our church members also get caught up in the idea that the church and Sunday are the focus of ministry. Don’t misunderstand me here. Ministry happens and should happen on Sunday at church. Each of us uses our gifts to sing, teach, proclaim, serve, encourage, mentor, and a host of other action words that denote ministry. And we do that on Sunday. At church.

But, what if we reminded each other that we do all that, not as an end, but as a means to be rested and refreshed to face whatever ministry God puts in our path the rest of the week? We can learn from Jesus, who not only took time to be alone with the Father, but also demanded His closest followers to corporately take a break to just spend time with Him. Sunday shouldn’t be a day that drains you. I pray that you are able to worship this week, undistracted by your ministry responsibilities. My prayer is that God gives you rest for the work He has prepared for you.

Thank you for your continued support of what God is doing here in the Centennial Association. Our first ENCOUNTER Prep for Pastors and Church Leaders was well attended, and I believe God will use each of the monthly training sessions to prepare us for the harvest revival scheduled for September 12-15. The Youth Team has been hard at work planning EQUIP, and it is shaping up to be the best one yet. I hope your students are making plans to attend. Most of our churches have already requested a State Missionary for the upcoming Bridges Conference, and I know you will enjoy hearing from them. If you have not made that request, it is not too late. Buck Burch and I will be making those final assignments over the next couple of weeks.

I want to thank all of the people who played a role in our first ever Children’s Ministry Workshop. At the time of this writing, we are still a couple of days away from the event. I have been blessed by those who have helped put this together as well as by our guest presenters. This is just one more way that our churches are working together to encourage and help one another. What joy that brings to my heart and I know the Lord is pleased, as well.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman

January CBA News Article

A Word from Your Missionary:

We serve a God who makes all things new. He has made new creations of each one of us who believes on His name. His mercies are new every morning. One day He will bring about a new heaven and new earth. I am thankful that although we rejoice in the triumphs of the past, we are able to look forward to new adventures awaiting us.

As we prepare to live out the theme of revival this year, let us prepare ourselves for whatever God has in store. January begins months of ENCOUNTER Prep Training for Pastors and Church Leaders. If you are asking yourself if this is for you, then the answer is “Yes.” Each training session will be held on the Monday of our regular monthly Ministers Meetings. A schedule of topics, trainers, and locations is available on our website. Our first session is with Evangelist Jon Reed entitled “Preparing for Harvest.” Rev. Reed is our scheduled speaker for ENCOUNTER in September. He wants to share with each of you how God will use the preparation time to bring an abundant harvest of souls. I hope you will make plans to join us.

This month is also a time of equipping for anyone working with children in your church. The Children’s Ministry Workshop will be a time for your workers to learn from each other and those who specialize in discipling children. The resource fair will provide a look at what is available to you. The breakout sessions will inform and equip your workers with tools for ministry. The time of worship will encourage you in your pursuit to bring the little ones to Jesus. Even if your church has few or no children, we encourage you to come learn what you can do to reach children and families in your community.

Pastors, I hope you have already put the Bridges to Missions weekend on your church calendar. On Saturday, April 30th, we want you and some of your key leaders to share a meal with us and our State Missionaries, including Executive Director Dr. J. Robert White. Then on Sunday, May 1st, our missionaries are available to preach or just share a moment in your church. To RSVP for the dinner and to schedule a speaker, and even request someone specific, contact the CBA office. I know this will be a time of encouragement for you, your leaders, and your church.

2016 will be an exciting year. I haven’t even mentioned EQUIP, the Dental Health Clinic, One Day Revival, or the work we are doing with Copper Basin Crisis Center. God is blessing our associationof churches. Thank you for all that you are doing in your own area of influence. Thank you for supporting what God has called us to do in our area through Centennial. May God bring many souls into the Kingdom as we seek to make Him known!

In His Name,

Steve Laughman