June 2022 Centennial News Article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman


Thank you for participating in REFOCUS! What an incredible time we had celebrating what God is doing through our missionaries! Our goal of being a blessing to the missionaries was met. You welcomed them with open arms and showed them how much you appreciate the work they do. I also believe we accomplished our second goal of helping churches engage in missions. I have heard reports of mission trips being planned and various groups adopting missionaries to pray for and support. It is a beautiful thing to see the body of Christ work together for the advancement of the Gospel.


As the school year ends and churches focus on summer activities like VBS, I am praying for you. I pray that God will give you the energy and resources you need to do the work he calls you to. I pray for souls to be saved and believers to be equipped. I pray that we will be a light to those who need to see the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


I also find myself praying for a change of heart in our culture. Whether the news is about a shooting or the abortion debate, I am broken for what seems to be a constant theme. People have lost sight of the value of a human life. Every child, every person is made in the image of God. When we treat people as disposable, it is no wonder people justify taking a life. As followers of Jesus, we understand better than most that human life is valuable. Not only did God create us in his image, but He sent His Son to redeem us with His own blood.


The report from the Sexual Abuse Task Force is another reminder of this same sin. When men called by God to proclaim the Gospel are able to not only commit these sins, but actively cover them up, they show a disregard for the value of those lives being abused. Although I am deeply saddened by the sin being exposed in this report, I am thankful that they have come to light. When Marni and I attend the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention this month, we hope to be part of a convention that is repentant and ready to face the challenges of righting these wrongs. We must protect the vulnerable and be a voice for the abused. As guidelines are suggested for implementation at the associational level, we will work to make sure we are doing our part to protect people.


The partnership we share as churches and fellow believers is strong. I am extremely grateful to serve the Lord by serving the churches of the Centennial Association. Let me know how I can help you and your church. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. It is my privilege to serve you.