February 2021 CBA News article

A Word from Your Mission Strategist, Steve Laughman

“And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in You.” – Psalm 39:7

The tendency for many of us frail humans is to place our hope in things that (more often than not) let us down. We hope our team wins or that we will get that raise. We hope our leaders will make wise decisions. We hope our plans will come to fruition. We hope things will get better when it seems like they are just getting worse. Most of the time, that kind of hope is just wishful thinking.

But, as followers of the one, true God, we have a hope that is without fail. He is Jesus Christ, our Lord. I understand that many of us have been frustrated with the state of our world. We make plans regarding our ministries only to have to change them. I have been reminded over and over that everything we do is dependent on God’s will. Long before any of us heard the word COVID, we made plans assuming those plans would come to pass. Now the Lord is reminding us that it has always depended on Him allowing it to happen.

So, we move forward with hope knowing that God is still at work. He is teaching us things we would have never learned otherwise. He is making us more flexible and resourceful. He is keeping our eyes on Him and not on our best efforts. He is strengthening our prayer lives. He is purging us from worthless things and focusing our attention on what matters. For this I am thankful.

Since the beginning of 2021 over a quarter of our churches have had to make the hard decision not to meet in person for worship at least once. Many of our pastors, staff members, and leaders are still dealing with illness. To accommodate this and to make sure we are taking into consideration your concerns, most of the events scheduled by Centennial over the next month or so will either be virtual or will have a virtual option. We pray this allows more participation. If you have any questions regarding anything on our calendar, please contact us directly. Also keep in mind that we do not always know what is going on with your church unless you let us know. If there is anything we can do for you, just ask. We are here to serve you.