AMS Report Fall 2020

Associational Mission Strategist Report

Annual Fall Meeting 2020

Steve Laughman

In the words of Jerry Garcia, “What a long, strange trip it’s been.” The past year has been one of the most difficult for churches in my lifetime. At our crowded meeting last fall, no one would have ever expected the changes that would take place in 2020. We have all faced these challenges the best we know how, and I am thankful for every pastor, leader, and church member who remained faithful to the task and persevered through it all. Our challenges are far from over. We do not know what the next year holds, but I am certain that God will once again remain faithful. We will move forward in hope.

Despite the struggles Centennial Baptist Association continues to thrive. Thank you to every church who faithfully supported the work of the association. I realize that many of our churches have struggled financially, but God has met every need. At a time when it would be easy to focus on the state of your own church alone, you have worked with other churches to lift one another up. Many of us have lost people this year, and we have grieved together. We have renewed our focus on caring for one another, especially those who are most vulnerable among us. We have made sermons and Bible studies available online for those who cannot join us in person. We have been stretched and prodded to think of ministry outside the walls of the church, and we, the Church, have responded well.

The Centennial calendar was packed for 2020, but much of what we had planned was postponed or cancelled. Your church knows this reality all too well. However, we were able to continue with some of our vital ministries. The Dental Clinic was a success again this year. Pastor Roundtables continued both virtually and eventually in person. Ministers Connection was able to connect pastors to resources from our national and state entities. Baptist Collegiate Ministries at Gordon made necessary adjustments and took advantage of new opportunities. We are once again providing backpacks for children in South Georgia. And in a few weeks, students will gather for an abbreviated, outdoor EQUIP event. Centennial is moving forward with hope.

Replanting churches has been a necessary focus for the last couple of years. As we reported at the Annual Fall meeting last year, The Rock Church had just begun meeting again after months of preparation for a relaunch. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, I am pleased to report that The Rock Church is going strong. The average attendance is over 40 with multiple generations being represented. Small groups meet regularly in host homes. The outside elders continue to function in an advisory and accountability role. Additional renovations have been made, and the church hosted her first wedding since the restart when Pastor Wesley Lassiter and his bride, Lindsey, were married. I believe The Rock Church is the first of many churches that will go through a restart process. It will look differently for each church, but we will continue to seek the Lord as He builds His Church.

What will we experience in 2021? My hope is that you look forward to this next year in anticipation of what God will do through you and your church. Will we continue to face a health crisis? Probably. Will our country come together and address our problems? Possibly. Will the Church still have a mission to reach the lost around us? Absolutely. Will we meet this challenge with the passion and commitment deserving of the task? I sincerely expect so. I have hope that our churches will continue to meet needs, continue to preach the Gospel, and continue to lift up the name of Christ. We will look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, to guide us no matter what this next year holds.

When you look at the Centennial 2021 calendar, you will notice some tentative scheduling. Our practice will be to move forward cautiously, especially as it relates to large events. Many of our meetings such as Steering Committee will continue to meet virtually. Please be patient and read your newsletter when it comes out each month. We will schedule events (and reschedule when necessary) to continue to provide opportunities for the church to be equipped to serve and grow. A date for the FOCUS missions event will be set once we are a little closer to the beginning of the year. Other events will be scheduled as we feel we can move forward with them. Please let us know how we can minister to your church specifically. The Centennial office has access to an abundance of resources to help you.

Thank you again for allowing Marni and me to serve you through the Centennial Baptist Association. We praise the Lord for using us to encourage you in the work He has for you.