February 2017 CBA Newsletter

A Word from Your Missionary:

I had to confess something to my wife today. Just like Paul in Romans 7, there are times when I know what I should do and I don’t do it and other times when I know what I shouldn’t do and that is the very thing I do. The subject of my confession was the over-scheduling of events that take up the time and energy of our pastors. In my effort to support you and your work, I have a tendency to ask you to put even more on your plate and your calendar.

Case in point: February and March. We have a bunch of stuff going on at CBA over the next two months. Each and every event, meeting, and ministry is valuable and designed to meet needs. Each is meant to enhance your ministry. When you find that to be true, then I invite you to wholeheartedly participate. When you find that not to be true, then encourage those who may benefit to participate, but feel free to skip it yourself. We understand that each ministry event has a specific audience in mind. Our calendar is like a Venn diagram. If you find yourself in the overlapping sections, I apologize.

This newsletter is full of opportunities like EQUIP, Children’s Ministry Workshop, Southside Summit, and the Dental Health Clinic. We have Pastor Roundtables, the Johnny Hunt Simulcast, and the Quarterly Fellowship Lunch. State Missionary Randy Mullinax will join us at the Monthly Ministers Meeting with a plan to make our churches more mindful of how our guests experience church. We even have an Executive Committee meeting where we will discuss the agenda for the CBA Annual Spring Meeting. In fact, there is too much information to even include in this limited space. Please check out more details on the website, www.centennialbaptistassociation.com.

I want you all to know that I appreciate your time and the way you support the Centennial Association. Pray for our Strategy Team as we seek to define clear ways to support our churches and to be the best association we can be to the glory of God.

In His Name,

Steve Laughman